Good for you

You don't have to be a woman to like another woman. You don't have to be Asian to like what another Asian person said. Would you rather you be dead? Im not against casual sex, but I'd rather be celebate. We all experience life- it all takes us places- some place good, or some place bad, but can we treasure the memories that we have. You can be white and say Black lives matter. And still hold on to your guns. You can be for safety.
Defend the Police. You can be a Democrat or a Republican. You don't have to be a woman to show your behind and shake it.
You can be a straight guy and watch. It doesn't mean anything. You can be married or have kids. You can be a lesbian, or bisexual or trans with God in your heart.
And live your life with his light all over you.
You can be gay and be okay and not provoke attitudes from the usual gloomy dark filled room of narrow minds and stupidity with a notion of what is class or disrespectful or what is right and wrong for you. You don't have to a woman. You don't have to sing rock and roll. As long you sing and you dance to your merry little tune. God fills your soul. And He only knows what's good for you.

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