Don't tell me

Don't tell me that I don't deserve a little bit of freedom. It's not like I haven't heard it's not for me and I'm something of a succubus. Leading other men and friends to their deaths. It's not like I haven't crafted and created nothing. I deserve a break and place in the sun. And to be with my loved one. I want it for all of us. The only one I adore and treasure and cherish. Don't tell me that I don't deserve a little bit of freedom. It's not absurd to care for your fellow man. We don't need to explain the laws of attraction or desire.
Or contemplate our existence any further.
It's not a sin to love. The action is another case. But we leave it in God's merciful hands. We pray, sing and we march so that you understand. Don't tell me that I don't deserve a little bit of freedom. It's not absurd to care for your fellow man. Don't tell me that love isn't true. It's something that we do. Don't tell me that we aren't brave. We long to be equal. You don't have to become our way. Just recognize that we aren't clowns and fools. We are upside down without any laws to protect us and guarantee our equality. We know just what to do. We are the gay army from outside.
That's known for our parade. Don't bother me unless you intend to meet us and fix your mistakes. We know about your secret fetishes. Now we want our own place at the table. We want what we deserve. 
We know just what to do. We want our freedom. We know about the high stakes and the price to pay. Something tells me this time is different. We heard it all before. But today is not just any other day.

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