What is Bravery?

What is Bravery? 
The soldier who loses his mind 
After fighting battles that may cost Him/her their life 
Fighting for freedom
Or the drag queen
Wait give me some time
Who puts on her fishnets
And platform combat boots
And marches in a war zone
Or the single mother of four
Who doesn't make enough 
To support her family
And clips coupons
Saves pennies and dimes
I always find it ironic
That when it comes to 
The average white man
He'll pick the soldier everytime
He wants nothing from china
But will go to bath houses for 
A quick blow job 
From an elderly Asian maid
Have his bills paid by his Mom
And off to the massage parlor he goes
To seek out another sloppy mess
Maybe this time it will be another old maid
Or a young boy who likes to wear a dress
But this white guy doesn't like boys
So to him this guy in a dress is not brave
He is a hypocrite and and a jerk
An asshole and pig
A bull who desperately needs a saddle
Someone to finger his pussy
And pound the living shit out of him
I'm more brave then you
I thought you already knew that
As God is my witness
The soldier
The single mom
The drag queen
The elderly Asian maid
The boy in dresses
And every minority is more brave than you
What is bravery......
Don't be a fool
Don't be stereotypical
And fall for typical male and female 
Archetypes and fables
That you are holding on to
Bravery is something that takes 
Belief in ones self and their higher power
And courage to live by principle
And sacrifice to fight
For a better tomorrow 
That's something that doesn't mean 
Anything to you
It's something that all these people 
Have in common
Not something you'll understand soon

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