Two Statues of Liberty

Someone once called for a world of 
No judgement. Without any structure, 
we would be no different than the animals.

One man accused someone of being racist. With no basis for this claim. 
The world has gone insane.

One day one woman called for an 
Investigation of a certain prominent fellow,
Who always tortured women for his profit,
And his gain. I wonder for the future. Who will follow? 

Time after time. Again and again.
Sometimes, this is how it exactly happens.
Other times, it starts again with the roles
Reversed. And sometimes there are guns and pistols involved. They're are rifles. That is just the system. Who wants to be free? Who wants to follow? 

We have the right to carry. I'm not opposed. I don't wish to carry. I'm far too scared to hold such a thing in my hands. I'd rather use my fist. Deadly weapons.
Nothing can stop you from meeting your maker. I suppose there are calls for control and better safety.

I don't know if that is the issue or whose hand holds the instrument of defense and protection of your family. You must realize this is a business like any other with so many forces to fuel the machine.

The divide further deepens. You must resist. Just like a celebrity's controversy.
You must pay no attention. And beware of the world around you. They prey on the weak. 

Since the late fifties there has been performance art with silly antics of mad people who only see if they will survive their stunt and pass it off- an attempted suicide as an artist epiphany. Charlatans and swindlers who simply prey on you.
Most of them worship the devil.
They even have a celebrity following.

Most of them are predators. Others are just like me and you. We really don't know them, so just enjoy the flick or tune.

Our society is weak and sensitive.
Vulnerable. And this is the land of the free.
Violence is becoming more prevalent.
This is America lately.

Two Statues of Liberty
One for the left.
One for the right.
This has all become a machine.
Cold and empty.
This is what it feels like to me. 

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