Twenty Seconds

You can go from cool to creepy 
In twenty seconds
It doesn't matter if you're rich and famous
It doesn't matter if you have had success
It doesn't matter this will become your tagline
And you will have to deal with it
Everyone invests their hopes and dreams 
In their beloved queens
And sooner or later you're a weirdo
The once glorious rock star
Now an old creepy naive weirdo
Further removed from reality
But I am here to tell you 
That there is always hope for us
The next attempt may pay off
But nothing failed
All that we release in the world 
Is a little pluck of a brow away from greatness
And it sooner or later
From beginning to end
Nothing failed
Don't give up my friends
I've never had my fifteen 
Or twenty seconds
But I know a little something about this
There is always so much criticism
You always have to be aware of it
But not let it weigh you down
Use it as a catalyst 
For your next great new breakthrough
And you won't fail
Nothing does
And you will succeed inspire of them 
Nothing Fails

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