The Filthy Queen (Revisted & Revived) : A Children's Story!

Imagine at once you were a tiny little ant.
In the garden and surround by big towering giants, with big feet. Their foot steps are so heavy they can squish and squash you certainly into two or into a puddle of guts.
For the worms to eat. And dead to the world surrounded by bees and flies. But you are alive. You are hungry looking shelter. And you are covered in dirt. You are filthy. You came across the Emperor King, who was once nice to you. But tired of your methods of survival long, long ago.
The next time he spoke to you. Even your friends and your family. They were all very mean. You are still looking for shelter something to do. Maybe just survive.
But you are filthy. Then one day comes an other ant. Someone who believes in you.
He put your name on the ballot. Every one does know you. They have called you an embarrassment. And filthy. And reckless.
And disrespectful. They didn't understand your life or your story. Not even how you talked, walked, or dressed. Not even the glorious things about you. Not how difficult your life must be. But as difficult as it is for you. There is always somebody is hurting. Now comes the big day- the big election. The polls are in. The other campaigns played dirty politics. Fun and games for them. But that's another story.
The results are in. The filthy ant is now queen. And she is no longer dirty. In the bigger picture we are small like ants.
To God, the Almighty. Our creator is the only thing bigger than the universe. 
His love for us is always eternal and merciful. So believe in yourself. Work hard! No matter how hard it is. Even if you are a little different. Dreams come true. And this too can be your story. 

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