Swan Song

Thank you for turning my videos and songs and poems into a little smash success. I guess it's easier cuz you can like and watch anonymously. It's ok I like being a forbidden pleasure, a guilty treat. Your little sweet, Fruity Pebble, undressed. Thank you. I take a bow. And here is my swan song. I'm done with my amateur vids and pics for now. I got most of naughtiness out of my system. I still impart a little venom, wisdom, humor and lessons. I also just dream a lot. I feel like what I do is important. Because there is nothing flirtatious, romantic, or aggressive or in your face or just a good little something in the void from the gay community. Most of it is subversive. Which I can be too, but I have always preferred a direct line of communication and to inspire dialogue. Maybe change the world. I don't have all the answers and I don't speak for everyone. But I like that you're talking about me. Loving or hateful. It means that I must be important to you. But I have my little poems for now.
My little finger paints. I'm not more important than my message. The truth is always the catalyst for change. And I stand by what I have to say.

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