Romance isn't Dead

Sex is a very high price. Once you have sex with someone it’s not like you can just walk away. There is always a risk and a price you have to pay. People act like it’s nothing. It's terrible. I know. I think now people wear sex like a fragrance but it takes a lot more than a pump and done- it's a connection. You can't dump it in the trash when it's over and when you throw them away. You still emote over them and the experience. I'd rather be celebrate as I have been for few years and continue to do excellent things for no reward other than to craft them. I'm not the best. But I'm better than most at what I do. Sex is a high price. Romance isn't dead. I'd rather listen to what my mother said. I've read the bible. And although I'm due for punishment. I live my life by principles. And still emote over people I have met. I know I'm not perfect. I have never said such a thing.God give me strength to overcome desire.If you try to do the same all I have to say is God give you strength and God bless. I can appreciate human beauty without having sex with someone. Because Romance isn't dead. I'd rather talk to you. Learn about you. And I'd rather hold your hand. 

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