
This is for Ginny, Georgia and Karen
Take your racist/homophobic ass
Back to the plantation field
You can cotton seeds or balls
From your ass crack 
And eat shit and die
For all the things you lack
But you got potato chips in your ass 
And you're afraid a chip will crack
So you make up shit and talk 
Out of your asshole
You and your wannabe
Ghetto princess daughter 
The epitome of quintessential narcissist
And typical mall girl
Who pretends to be a good person
Who hopes and dreams someone will be
Here and there and provide for her
A Mercedes or BMW and lavish her
With riches...
You're a count and a bitch
And you should end up in stiches
For all the shit you talk
But you'll die alone
Nothing makes me more happy 
For the pig
I'm elated
I'm taking a sip of wine
And as far as Ava Gardner's wannabe 
Husband- I rode him in Chicago
While you were searching for a boyfriend
Half your son's age
Your life's so hard
Your bitter pill
So hard for you to swallow
I swallow tons and so much more
Cum quick and go
I know you live off others
And you live off the fat of the people
You have skinned alive
I know you're really broke
But I won't let that happen to me
You can go fuck yourself - repeatedly!

Piggie goes to Cafe
Piggie has got a girlfriend
Piggie gets manicures
Piggie shows up at work at eleven

What can I say 
I'm so proud of them 
There almost like family
You can go fuck yourself
Fuck off- repeatedly! 

Fuck !
Fuck you! 
Fuck off! - Repeatedly!

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