Provocative Pride

Sometimes you must be provocative
To be productive
Sometimes you must insight feeling
To liberate your self from the monotauny
Sometimes you need to figure out
Your destination and other times you don't
So long procrastination
I'm not President
And I always will resist
My point of view will always persist
We have come far to be who we are
We raise the bar while we play 
With the bars and hearts
We can reach the stars 
If we be who we are 
Let's make them start to celebrate
Who we are
We've been in cars and driving 
To places very far
It's the journey not the destination
So we must follow our hearts
Sometimes you need to be provocative
Sometimes you need to make them angry
Sometimes you need to be polite 
And ignore them
Other time you just need to be proud
And walk with your head up
Eyes on the stars
And feet on the ground
One foot in front of the other
Another day will come 
Where you will look back at your life
And regret very little 
For your advancements
In your mind while they say your off
Your on to the next greatest thing
You are a star 
And I've told you to be provocative
It's who you are
So why be ashamed
They are afraid of what we represent
And remind them of themselves
Or things that are missing in their lives
Or their little hidden secrets and hypocrisy
We are provocative
They will eventually see the light
We are everything they wish they could be
While they joke and laugh about Effeminacy and masculinity
We are provocative
They will eventually see 
Be you
Be proud

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