My little humble poetry

Your contempt for me
And all your pondering
Makes me content
I believe someone will see through you
I maybe demented with ADHD
And suffer from early dementia
I'm content whether you believe me
I believe someone will see through you
I may not be cut out to be someone's Husband or wife or father 
Doesn't mean I don't live my life
Doesn't mean I'm not active
While you perpetrate all the time
And instigate drama
You're so consumed by bitterness
I believe someone will see through you
Sooner or Later
Someone will see through you
You can't believe I did this or that
Or when and how 
Because it wasn't you
I guess I should take a bow
And clap my hands or curtsy for you
I guess I should just live without
God will see you one day for what you are
A hypocrite and a liar 
You're pant's on fire
I have no doubt
I have my books and my music
And my little humble poetry
The truth is you don't compare to me
Someone will see through you
God will see through you

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