Love is Love 💕

I won't let two- faced people bother me
I won't let fake ass people bother me
I won't let their hypocrisy win over me
They don't get my sense of irony or humor
They don't posses a sense of humor
They relent and lament over foolish things
I won't let these stupid people bother me
I will protect my heart
And the people I chose as my family
I will protect my artistic creations
And the people I love to no bounds
Eventually they'll see
I am the future
My way is always better than wallowing 
In self pity or being self absorbed 
To no end, a myopic dystopian quality
I'd rather have my version of utopia
Where we all get in to fit in
Being our lovely selves
For me this has been a burden
I'd rather dismiss the taboo 
My love is not forbidden
I am the future
Love is love
Love will always win 

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