
To grasp the cup with eager hands, and not break it; To taste with eager lips and not drain it; To tempt your fate and court a bliss and destiny- and not achieve it; To have the courage to stand up for yourself and know when to walk away; To moving on and praying for the next day; 
To woo a love and not keep, or attain this;
To reminisce and not allow it to consume you; To resist those who may want to hurt you;  To revere those who you adore,  without forgetting; To forgive those who may have abused you; To watch the sun set on the past without regretting; To not hide behind masks always pretending; To hold the present close- not questioning the hereafter; The advent of the next day while the sun is setting and begins to appear; To letting go of fear; To allow yourself to be loved; To pray to God up above; To have enough to share - to know joy of giving; To thrill with all the sweets of life- is living.

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