Like a child

I was so unsure
My mind was there
But atleast my memories
Didn't seem to play tricks on me
The butterflies came and reminded me
Of all my childhood crushes and favorite things
I was so pure and raw 
Full of emotion
I would emote 
And dream of drinking magic potions
To make me strong and invincible
I would dream of stardom but I realized
All to quick
Nothing is what seems
In a world full of blue and pink
And rainbow colored dreams
I was so shy
I was afraid of the wind
I had my own peculiar manner
I was a boy who played with girl things
I danced ecstatically to music
Proud Mary on the stereo
Martha and the Vandellas 
Dancing in the streets
Madonna's Lucky Star
And then my mom would yell and scream at me
To wash the dishes and clean my room
And how I didn't need those things
I went to the pharmacy where I stole a pen 
 And a notebook
An eraser 
I don't know what for
So I could draw and write
I would need my necessities
So I can begin my life
My feelings are so dire
Each and every adventure
I'm not really a shoplifter
It's an extension of being poor
I don't have what excited me
Even if it costs a dollar or a penny
And I need to begin my life
I'm almost Fifty 
Ive had memorable times
Who needs you?
So now they have to continue
I need to communicate
I'm not mad with you?
And use my words carefully
Although I don't feel like I must negotiate
I don't feel like being in a business venture
Or a cold transaction at the ATM 
Or vending machine
I'm still finding new friends
I'm still healing from abuse and heartbreak
I'm still getting used to modern technology
I still have an aversion to modern music
I need to change my aesthetic and my energy
I still have yet to chase the butterflies
I'm not angry 
You tell me that I'm lost
I still need to find my way
For everything their is a price you pay
There is a cost
I'm not mad at you
I've always been big brother
I'd rather make my own decisions in my life...I feel so isolated and held back....
And sure, I'm here again as I'm getting older....
The more I feel like a child
And before I know it I'll be a helpless fetus
And wither away and die
I never really had a chance to chase butterflies
I only have had the pleasure to dream 
And wishfulthink about everything
I wanted and abruptly I wonder and wander
But the things I need are still missing
From my life

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