If & Why

If you're not supposed to judge
Then why judge others
If you're not supposed to win ever
Then why play the game
If you're not supposed to cry tears
Then why get close to anyone
If you're not supposed to think for yourself
Then why have a mind
If you're not supposed to act out
Then why have free will
If you're not supposed to go on your journey
Then why get ready to go
If your not supposed to be ironic
Then why make people think
If you're not supposed to be thoughtful
The world is really bleek
If you're not supposed to be sexy
Then why do we have our ways
If you're not supposed to be funny
Then why do we have laughter to heal us
If you're not supposed to be loving
Then why did God create another person
If you're not supposed to be soulful
Then why did he give us a soul
But I am still hopeful and optimistic
If you're not supposed to be hopeful
Then why would we be able & capable
If you're not supposed to be able
Then it would be shit
The world would be over
Earth as you know it would be dismissed
If we are not supposed to write or type
Or God knows what's next
Then why learn our alphabet and numbers
If we are not supposed to read
Then why only work like the endentured
If we are not supposed to be free and rule
The world
Then why live in America
And if we are not supposed to be American 
Then there would be no Bill of Rights
Or Constitution or structure to freedom
Only our own
A wicked rebellion would come over the land
And poisonous people would tell you Everything is just dandy
They would poison our youth and elderly
With grandiose ideas of a utopia
And soon thereafter there would be
A change in the current of wind 
And politics and fashion
Because a life with no restrictions or limits
And reasonable life saving three branches
Of government much like the three sisters
Of Abraham 
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
There would be no mercy 
No path for devout or the fallen
There would be nothing 
If and why are ever present
And only that would remain

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