Goodbye, My Friend

Goodbye my friend
You always were the voice of reason
You thought I was your advisor
That I knew everything

Goodbye my friend
Although I'm interesting
My life's a little lonely
You called me your skinny little model
And now I'm not so pretty

I've gained a little weight
I've lost support from the people I love
I lost you 
Why heaven couldn't wait
I lost you
And that's my problem
I've lost an uncle and a grandfather
I've lost both of my grandmothers
I lost my other grandfather
And now I've lost you
I lost so many friends
I guess it depends 
On how you look at it 
In ways I'm fortunate

I may miss you
But I still prefer to be single

I'm not missing anything from my life
Except you
I miss the way we you to sparkle
And jiggle on the dancefloor

Grab a bite to eat 
And then off to say I love you
Everyday on the phone for hours
And every night in the midnight hours
I still think of you 

I suppose I really lost you
But I can't get over it
This is something to remember
Don't take your loved ones for granted
They'll be gone
And next is you

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