God Loves You

With the wave of the new rebellion
Always comes a shift in time 
For conservaty 
There always is balance of these things
You may think you are modern
And oh so progressive
Then comes the shift 
And back to the values you grew up with
Come eventually
You can resist or fight time or age
Or this cosmic wisdom
But a higher power has the control
Of this and of a certain comical business
And machine
The machine of news and media
Culture, finance, and popular opinion
We must change each time
Unless you have always retained yourself
From the very beginning
And knew how to come correct
For yourself and who and what 
You represent 
You must shed all these images 
They don't mean anything at all
It's the core that lives within each human
Being is so fruitful and at other times
So empty
This is so deep
The only thing you can have faith 
That is constant is God
And really is true
The only thing you can have faith in
Is that your family loves you
You can believe in the pretty picture
Live in a bubble
Or run to forest and the trees
You can try to escape
But there is no better lesson 
Then facing yourself 
And inadequacy
There is no greater lesson 
Than meeting your maker
The only thing you can have faith 
Is that God ultimately loves you 

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