For myself!!!!

Me and my mom and my other family have not been getting along I guess me shaking my butt really bothers them so I will retire for a little bit and just focus on my art photos and poetry. That's me. I'm just not gonna pay attention to haters. And I'm gonna stay positive. My video got a hundred views. Instead of a compliment or saying that is cool -they are so negative. I'm gonna stay positive and ignore them. 
I'm an adult like you were so awesome! And you have no idea how many people complimented me. But they are always so hateful. Don't you watch like tons of videos like that they kinda sexy but their meant to be funny too, they don't get it. If I was a girl they would call me a slut and if I was a straight guy they'd call me a maga but since it's me it's wrong. I'm just gonna ignore them. I'm just gonna adore my fans.
I'm just gonna ignore them. I'm just gonna adore me fans. In this little world I created for myself. 

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