
If you don't like
Then don't look at me
If you don't agree
Then you can voice your feelings
If you don't like 
Then don't look at me...

This is my personal revolution
This is my romantic constitution
This is my sexual bill of rights 
This should be taught up in the institutions

If you don't agree with I what I have to say
And if you can't take it face value
There's something missing inside you
We all long for creative freedom
Our inspirations are the only thing
We respect and dissect 
We rarely do analyze

We may question life biggest problems
From Life, Death, War, and Romance
Why don't you just get a life?

They maybe our personal feelings 
Or just a big slice of life
Why don't you get a life? 

Nigger/ Faggot/ Spic/ Gook/ Whore/
Weirdo/ Tragic/ Slut/ Spook/ Queer/
We can't take much of this
I don't believe in censorship

Ignorance doesn't deserve recognition
That is the power of a word
They can haunt and hurt you
Communication is a two- way door 

Just look away
Just walk away
Turn the other cheek

Just fuck off
Lick my asshole
Ignore them
Ignore me

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