A day in the life

I start to cleanse myself and wash my face. I brush my teeth and plot my day away. I throw on new clothes and get to my chores. I work around the house and dream so I'm not bored. My imagination has run away with me. I dream of New York and a California beach. Then, I'm exhausted. I just want to sleep. New York and California are in my dreams. I call my cousin on the telephone, I listen to stories that she tells me. We do this on the regular till 8: 00AM. Then she goes to work so she can feed her family. Around 9:30 in the morning I call one of my aunties. We shoot the breeze for a half an hour. We simply exchange pleasantries. My mom left at 6 on the hour and my father woke up around 4:00 AM. Like clockwork my brother wakes up and wants coffee. He just want to sip and have a little peace before he checks the market. So I clean my room and fold the laundry. I still have New York and California in my dreams. I do the dishes after cooking and maybe go for a pedicure. Such relief. I take a nap so the voices don't haunt me. I still have New York and California dreams. I wake up.
We all eat dinner together. Sometimes I'll watch T.V. before they go to sleep.
After they are dead to the world. I crawl out. And I begin to creep. I find myself in the club and I don't care. I dance in body glitter and my underwear. I come back by 2:00 or 3:00. And the next day. The music I heard the night before is playing on repeat.
I wave my arms and shake like I just don't care. I feel like nothing can stop me- this feeling can't be beat. I pray I don't hear the voices all up in my head. So people don't stop and stare. I'd rather be dead. If they return, I just hide in my bedroom covers. Underneath my sheets. I dream about New York City and a California beach. This is just a day in the life. This is an average day for little old me.

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