Who do you think you are

 I don't have a rebellious heart- I have searched the depths of my own little heart-And I'm comfortable to say-I don't always play it safe-I'm not in the middle of the road-  I sculpted my own statue- Didn't you know-And carved out my own place- I don't need to run away- I don't have a rebel heart- I know my own nature- Rebels are merely fools- They rebel against their own nature- And compromise themselves- I don't have to run away- I don't have a rebel heart- I guess I have my own way- I followed my own heart- I wasn't marketed or packaged for the masses- I didn't take advantage or exploit myself- I'm in control of everything I do- I don't have a rebel heart- It's not permitted to rebel against everything and live by your own law- The holy scripture tells us this much- Who do you think you are?

My heart always surrenders to a kind word.

My hear has been surrendered to you.


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