This happy little gay life

This happy little gay life, it's not all it's cracked up to be. There are good things about it. But, let me tell you. It's not about male or female. It is about who you love.
What makes you feel desire and what you're attracted to. It's the person. That special person. That brings out your best qualities, and shares your dreams. In this happy little gay realm. There is always someone with a qualm and a problem with what you do. Just don't live for their opinion. And it will be difficult for you. There are those that want to use you. 
Hurt and abuse you. Then there are those who want to be hurt by you. Keep your mind right. It doesn't pay to keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground. Keep your mind right again. You will be just fine. You may be in a battle and gain a scar. Keep your mind right. You will go far. You may be dying to be the brightest star. Be close to family and you will go far. Keep your mind right in this happy gay little life.

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