They are fictitious bitches

They are fictitious bitches
They are hurting
They can't stand to see anyone else happy
They are meddlesome cunts
That wouldn't know what is cool 
If they didn't read it in a magazine
They're too busy trying to be cougars
They don't recognize me in that picture
They weren't in my life at the time
They don't understand making a comment 
About society's vanity or social media life
They have stupid little girl syndrome
Their foolish pride, it's hard to swallow
They have stupid little girl syndrome
They are miserable
But they only question you 
and your motives and don't let anyone know this that anything beyond their range or knowledge is worthless...
Hey there fictitious bitch, can I use your mouth as an ashtray...
You talk a lot of shit....
I have no time for auntie boutha....
I don't have time for your shit
Frivolous fictitious bitch
What is it that you can do
Frivolous fictitious bitch
You are a superstar-  all that matters is your opinion
Frivolous fictitious bitch 
How can you hurt me
Frivolous fictitious bitch
Why can't you see there more to life than me and you
There's an immortal battle of wits and the mundane
But why should you listen to me I am insane...

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