The News

 You are such a fat pig/ bleeding out of your you know where/ I have had my  reservations and my cause for alarm/ Does he know what's right for me/ Is it all a facade/ Mexicans are rapists/ And put up a border wall/ Go out and buy your guns/ You must build bigger churches/ And don't forget McDonalds/ And buy American/ Let's make it so great/ And great again/ Does he have an intellect/ or a sense of curiosity/ Does he know what's right for me/ Or anything at all/ Does just hate Ms. O'Donnell/ Is he just the same scam artist who put his name on buildings and used laborers to build them/ Is he just addicted to McDonalds/ Should we inhale Chlorox Bleach/ He didn't go to war/ He did save the economy after all before Covid/ but he is a moron/ And an asshole/ I'm sure you remember the tapes of him calling People magazine/ Changing his voice/ Claiming to date Madonna/ I was pathetic/ It was embarrassing/ It's not the same to be President/ It's not the same as I was a kid/ Where they had respect and integrity/  Now, let us change the subject/ Did you see Joe and Kamala/ First, Kamala believed Joe's accusers/ And was segregated by Joe/ She joined his team/ She accused him of having ties to the KKK/ Isn't it just convenient/ Now she's almost president/ Is there anyone left to admire or is really too late /Do they trade their souls/ Do they even have one/ This is just what's on the news/ Is it really too late/ None of them have integrity/ None of them really care/ I wear my masks although I hate them( or is it really too late )/ Where there really ties to Russia ( Who knows ) / Reagan would turn in his grave/ Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. And Frida Kahlo would turn in their graves/for Nobody can be that stupid. Is it all really too late/ It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican/ Or your point of view/ This is every day/ This is the news

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