some guys like booty

I'm so delicious ...don't  you want to try?

Must be my eyes

It must be lips

It must be my flirtatious ways

Some guys like booty

Must be the dick

Or my sense of tragedy

Some guys like booty

Must be my attributes and talents

Must be that I am nice and I can write

Don't be fooled

I'm not a plagiarist

I don't lie

Some guys like booty

I don't care if he's got a wife or a girlfriend

Isn't that everyman

I guess I have the market on lock

Some guys like my booty

Sometimes they are like snakes

Sometimes they fuck it up and make mistakes

Sometimes they lie awake talking to me on the phone

Sometimes they use for what you're thinking of and go

Just because they like my booty

I see how they treat me when I go to meet them

And I gage it with a meter I introduce myself as Peter

And if they're rude, I walk away

 I don't waste my time

Sei la vie

Some guys like booty

I sometimes love it

I sometimes like it

And other times I cover up

I do use my dick

I'm a guy who has these guys chasing after my booty

Bottom's UP!

Make me feel good

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