Rebel Art

 The hierarchy and The patriarchy has their way of excommunicating works of literature and classic art. Flip their meaning and use them as works of the dark or the light. The society in which we live in has their own interpretation. But things only have value if they succeed. If they break a record. It only seems. Like this. You'll be punished and damned. The aristocracy will only support their chosen men. If you try to challenge the system. If you try to challenge yourself. If you try to thing outside the cages around your mind and heart. You will create rebel art. I chose freedom. I've read the constitution and the bills of rights and every holy work. I must decide to challenge myself and open my heart. And free my mind. I will create my Rebel Art. You can assimilate if you want to. In this lonely life, there are is qualities and virtue that compels me. I will make Rebel Art. Then there is my own narssisisic whims. The perfect drug in my blood stream. You are the drug dealer. Requiem for a dream. I will my rebel art that compels me. I will make my masterpiece. I'll choke the fish. I'll dig the ditch. I'll bury my former work. I'll fuck your bitch. I'll make dinner and do the plates. I'll clean ever so swiftly. I'll steal your man. I'll rule the world inevitably and you will see my masterpiece. This is what compels me. 

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