No Risk No Glory

If a flower takes a chance to bloom, will I? If a child learns to ride a bike and fall, will I try? If a woman goes through childbirth and anguishing pain with no medicine at all, Will I risk it all and try? Will I fall on my face this time? Will I always falter and fall with all my inadequacy and will I pick myself up and try again? No Risk. No glory. No glorious moments of triumph and pride. I can try again. I can pick myself up. I'm in control of my groove and I have something to prove. This time I'll be successful. Nothing can stop me. I resourceful. I have a plethora of interests and knowledge. That I can apply to this. I don't need reference. I'm competent. I can do this on my own. No Risk. No glory. No glorious moments of triumph and pride. Oh my, how fabulous.

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