
Don't know about my past struggle
Don't know about my present state
Haven't realized how many days gone by
Don't know about how many lives I've lived
Or about how many times that I've died
Don't know who I have hurt 
Don't know you are so needy
Don't know what makes me like other guys
I just knew I had to try to love someone Even if I was sentenced to hell
Even if I had no reason why or how
I loved the guys.... I can pretend to tell you a story... It depends on your own life. I can't speak for you. No Risk No Glory....... It's physical attraction....Before you love someone here is what is the tome. You have to love yourself before anybody else. I was born to die. I was born to live. I was born to cry. I was born to give myself to the one I love. A promise from the heavens. Don't live for attention. You get your education from your lover. Don't give yourself away. I was born this way, hey! 
Don't know about your family. 
Don't out anyone.
The world is cold enough without frosty queens that think they know too much.
Don't know about you are just avante guarde and this is something you must try.
Don't know if you hate me
Or if you just hate yourself.
What is that I remind you of -yourself ?
Or an animal that cried.
Don't know about your friends
Make sure they are good for you
Boyfriends come and go and then there's you and your friends that died. 
It can husbands and lovers
Your parents, your children
Even I have died before and I came back to life.
You may swim with pink sharks beware of them. You may swim with the yellow dolphins and kiss them goodnight. 
You may belong in the nightclub
Or the sports arena
You may be a fast food server
You may be a investment broker
You may be a ballerina
Or the next greatest star
You have talents way beyond measure
If you only apply them and release your pressure. You were born this way... You were born to try... You were born to live.
And live again another time.
This so new....
It's really up to you! 
This so unique
This is so stylish
Get up on the brand new trend
Just be yourself and celebrate your new birth! 

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