My life

When I was very young, much like my parakeet, I lived in a cage. Bottled up feelings all mixed up. I was so confused.
Until people told me who I was. I was not enthused. I was a victim of some kind of rage. I smoked cigarettes and drank strawberry Boone's farm from the bottle.
Jack Daniels and fruit punch until I came out. I knocked someone out for going through my stuff. It's all fucked up. I told them who I was. But I forgot to mention I was struck first. I went to jail for a few nights where it was cold and everything shitty. I got out. I went to court. I didn't give a fuck. I was found not guilty. Many times. Not that I'm counting. I am not a criminal. Now we have forgiven each other. I had to give up and some one to love me. Find someone that I can care for.
I've come close many times. But nothing lasting. Nothing ever lasts. Nothing remains. Everytime I get up and try again. And again it's nothing. What does it all mean. This can't be the plan. But I've decided it's my life. And all life is a reminder that death is inevitable. We are born to die. Of natural causes. Fate. Life can be so hard. It's all fucked up. I just want to be with you till the world gives in.
And we feel love till the world blows up.

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