I'm really Greek

Tomato salads are cracking me up, Hun/ What have I done? / What am I to do? Spinach pie / Don't know, why? I am fucked up, Hun! Look at you! I don't fit in. Malaka/ Pousti/ Feta cheese makes me sick. So does lamb. I can't stand you. I'm really Greek....

 Sometimes I question what contribution has the modern Greek contributed to the world. And I am here to tell you pretty much nothing. The Ancient Greeks contributed much more to the world then a yoghurt commercial. Even other generations of  Greeks contributed more to life....

What happened to philosophy, architecture and art. You get a free education. You barely work. You complain you don't have jobs. While immigrant are working like dogs, and maids. Some of you have paid government vacations. And your life is tough. Gimme a break. 

I'm really Greek American. I'm proud of where I come from. I'm really Greek. I'm first generation and I don't fit in. I'm ok with it.

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