I love and I hate you

 You could say, I'm a dreamer, it feels like I'm the only one. Sometimes, I feel so pessimistic, although; I'm an optimist and spiritual. I'm not religious but I do have a religion- I'm Orthodox Christian. I'm a writer and a poet. I have always been experimenting with the arts. My only message to the world is to believe in love. God is love. I need love. You need love. We all need love. And we are one. You could say I have talent, or my work is pop cliche. I approach things with a sense of humor and irony. I make them more modern. I make comments about myself and society. Politeness aside, and the beasts within that exist and take over you/ war and politics/ pollution and climate change can really hurt you/ Dirty politicians and people filled with hate- you can go fuck yourself! I love you and I hate you! I don't owe you anything. I'm not the only one. I don't live my life for you. I don't do anything to appease the masses and neither should you. I'm an artist, whether you ever recognize me or make fun of me. I'm doing something worthwhile with my time. I may have no currency, but I don't apologize. You are wrong. You will think of me when I am gone. Even if you achieve success in your life and you have riches. Don't apologize and continue to give back to world in your own time. You can really save lives. There are those who lack in everything. They don't have souls. And they can eat you alive. They prey on you. And we pray to the light. Their souls, they'll never get back. I don't feel sorry. I only apologize that we don't have world peace. Usually something comes around fucks everything up. But that's not up to me. You can change the world. You are kings and queens. You are God fearing loving people. There's nothing you can't do. I know it's been said before but this is me doing it. I don't want a world of fifteen minutes of Fame.  I want you to change the game. They play from every angle. That's why you should be warned.  I love you and I hate you and I really want what's best. I really see that I can't change you but I haven't lost my hope or my belief in you. God bless! 

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