I hate fags

I hate fags
I hate you 
I wouldn't fuck you with a shoe
I hate fags
I hate sticks
I wouldn't fuck you with a cigarette
Hold up, hey
I'm not a bunch of sticks
I'm not a cigarette
I know I'm crazy
Im here with Stephanie and Raggedy
We want to kick your ass
Beat you senseless
But something's coming over me
I think I need you 
Please give me your dick
I'm such a flirt
We can watch Friday 
I'll suck your dick for a hamburger
I guess you don't die tonight
You'll die another day
I hate fags
I hate you
I wouldn't fuck you with a shoe
Don't you want a pair of high heels to dance and prance in your rainbow underpants
I hate fags
I hate you too
I hate fags 
I am one, too
What happened did Bruce Vilanche and George Takei and Boy George and  Harvey Firestein give birth to you
What is this Tantrums and Tiaras
Wham Bam Wham 

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