I am writing

 You see your failed attempt 

 You see your hate and regret 

 You see your bitterness 

 You see your contempt for man 

 You see magic in her kiss 

 I'm writing.... what's inside of me! 

 You see your tragedy 

 You see your dreams come true

 You see your fantasy

 You see your miserableness

 You see your chance of greatness 

 I'm writing.... What's inside of me! 

 If you can write of happiness and love 

You will be rewarded with accolades 

Perhaps some sweet little plumbs 

fermented in delicious rum 

Can you taste the fruity moist figs 

and plumbs. That is your reward for 

grammar. I follow my own recipe from a 

cookbook- I designed. All the things I make 

are my little creation. Made of blood and 

tears and bruises. They are made of love.

They are made up of me. I'm writing....

What is inside of me... I'm levitating...

 I turn the page and continue to write.

 My work of fiction or my biography.

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