Greek god of sex

 I'm ashamed that I have not spoken to you sooner/What happened to us could have been prevented/ I never pretended with you/I was never exhibiting false pretense/I admit you couldn't have been cooler/melting you down was an experience/ but, I am glad that did and for our friendship/I wanted nothing than for your happiness/ It seems liked you have achieved your own certain level of Fame/ and I'm ashamed. I didn't mean to clock your preferences/ I couldn't help it/ I was so in love with you/ The way you made me feel/ If it wasn't for our friendship I would feel lonely that I'm the only one on Earth/ This is my ode to you- you are a Greek God. Everything about you makes me feel so weak. At other times, I feel strong and ready to on bended knees and devote myself to you. I would have presented you with more gifts to express my gratefulness for you. But like the waves of the ocean I had collapse and break free. I still haven't forgotten you called me the Greek god of sex. I'm not but I pull out that great feather from my cap from time to time.

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