gay shakespeare

you are gay shakespeare

love without fear

what will i do without you

you are gay shakespeare

love without fear

how can i breathe without you

you are gay shakespeare

love without fear

what i will do without you

a poem or a sonnet

a limerick or a rhyme

a lyrical melody

baroque or stoic

i'll be your mister 

if that is fine

a lyrical melody 

and beats per syllable

forgive me i'm imperfect

i'm unworthy of you

but this is my ode to who I cherish and treasure

like the stars in the sky

and as i grow older i understand the reason why

you are gay shakespeare

love without fear

what will I do without you

you are gay shakespeare 

love without fear

How can i breathe with out you

hey baby you're so wild

you go inside my poor mind

hey baby you're so fine

you go so really deep

you know exactly what makes me this way

you are gay shakespeare

like i love you baby

like you drive me crazy

like you know what to do

my foolish little heart

don't tell if you will

we got plenty of skill

now we got caught in this mess

and bitter sweet little pills

that we had to swallow

i don't mind and baby you have the time

to run and follow me

and that when I realize

you are gay shakespeare

love without fear

what will i do without you 

you are gay shakespeare 

love without fear

how i will breathe without you

your lips are witchcraft

the perfect magic

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