
 I'm riding the space cowboy 

 I'm riding Jupiter and Neptune

 Venus is hovering above us 

 He slammed so hard I reached another


 I'm in the pull of gravity 

 Up down and up down 

 I float to the moon then mars 

 Then Pluto as it rises 

 I chant a syllable repeatedly and the sun  

 begins to get so strong. It sends to my 

 destination. I couldn't believe that I am a   

 witness to this. I let go of my hesitation. 

I see Earth before me. I am levitating.

The syllable travels back to me. I fall and fall 

To Earth. I landed in the ocean. They 

thought I wasn't from here or this place.

They thought I was an alien or then again a 

mermaid. They threw stones at me. I almost 

sank. I can't tell them of this experience.

What will they think of me. It's better to 

Leave it a secret. My fantasy come true.

I know I'm not dreaming. 

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