Don't be a monster

 Could you be the most beautiful/ Could you be the most dapper/ Could you be the most interesting being/ Wouldn't it be the most interesting thing/ Don't be a monster/ Don't follow Lady Gaga/ If you need to dance your ass off/ Put on Michael Jackson or Madonna/ You can watch Back to the Future/ You listen to The Clash/ You can watch the Misfits/ And you see how it informed/ this brand new fad/ You can see Dynasty/ You can play with your Lite- Brite/ You can read books/ Learn your ABC's/ I was born in '79/ This is for the 80's/ Although, I was born in the dirty 70's/ I watched foreign films and cartoons/ I read work of literature/ And played outside/ Where it was safe/ Don't be a monster/ Don't be the boogie man/ Don't be chester the molester/ And be nerd with your head in book/ So you understand no one can take that away when your older/ Sometimes evil strangers have other plans for you/ Listen to your parents they know the best for you/ And do something proper

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