A page from my ugly story

 My mother taught me a prayer, a short simple one about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit that The Holy Trinity will be victorious against evil and all bad things...

Later that night, I was visited by voices or spirits or it was just my warped imagination. 

I saw myself and my close family telling me to kill myself... First; they told me, I'm ugly.

 Then they told me I'm worthless; a loser, that I've never worked. I'm a rotten son. I've dressed in woman's clothing. I wear to much make up. That I am a horrible brother.

I'm gay, so what? While they were talking, 

I would also hear nonsense, and whispering of similar things- sighs of shock, tinges of disagreement, agreement... I was so scared. This is just a page from my ugly story.

 I would see my self talking to me urging me to do it.

 Goading me- provoking me with out understanding. It's was beyond logic and reason. 

" Do it , you are failure. You were raped, you were molested, you are gay. Poor you! You wear your heart on your sleeve, so what? You are slowly dying. And you can end this now. It will be over. Do it! You're weak. You probably are not brave enough to do this yourself. You are and will be alone. We will go away and the voices will stop." "Do it" the voice shouted. As I lie on the floor and crying. I prayed that God be victorious.

I asked if he was the devil. He didn't answer.

I said my little prayer that my mother taught me. Icous Xristos Nika Kai Ola Ta Kaka Skorpa. And everything disappeared. I did my cross three times and I continued to collect my breath. I went to lie down and felt some relief.

Sometimes real life stories are not as shocking as this but I'm safe now.

A prayer to God saved me....

Thank you Μαμά.

Thank you, God!

A page from my ugly story and prayer to God really did save me.

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